Voices from Students' Representatives

Current Students' Representative of 2020 

Yunru (Maria) Dou

IMMH 給我的人生帶來了重大轉折。它打開了我全新的思想領域,無論精神學、醫學、心理學、社會學我感恩這裡的每一位教授,我從沒想過泰國的教授這樣愛自己的學生,盡心盡力,課上課下,不計回報。在這裡,我所學的一切都是國際化的,學習最先進的知識,使用最領先的科研工具,學習最嚴謹的學術表達。我想說,相比歐美國家的學費來說,我在清邁大學IMMH求學所收穫的,真是太豐厚了!

IMMH brought a major turning point in my life. It has opened up a whole new field of thought for me, through psychiatry, medicine, psychology, sociology... I am grateful to be taught by every professor here. I have never thought that Thai professors love their students so much and do their best, during class and after class, not to receive anything in return. Here, everything that I learn is taught internationally and by learning the most advanced knowledge, using the most advanced scientific research tools, and learning the most rigorous academic expression. I would like to say that compared to the tuition fees of European and American countries, what I have gained from studying the IMMH program at Chiang Mai University is beneficial!

Current Students' Representative of 2021

Beibei Mao (Becky)

IMMH, Graduate School, Chiang Mai University

“A business English major student, an international salesman of IVD, who is aspiring to advance further.”

Hometown: Sichuan, China

Fun Fact About Yourself:During the IMMH mini break this week, I traveled to the beach alone. This was the only time that I sat next to a handsome guy on the high-speed train and had a conversation. He did not ask me for my contact information, so I did not bother to give him mine. This was a tacit understanding that was done with strangers.

Aside from your classmates,what was the key part of the IMMH curriculum or activities that led you to choose this graduate school and why was it so important to you?

What attracts me most is the international exposure. I hope that I can become an excellent consultant in the future, gaining Western perspectives while deepening my insight in Asia. Professors from different backgrounds with cutting-edge, professional knowledge helped me understand the world, establish values, and learn enriched education, including methodology.

What quality best describes your IMMH classmates, and why?

They are terrific, diligent, and cooperative. We have hundreds of discussions in over different courses and topics, and they would come up with innovative ideas each time. I have learned tremendously from their experiences and insights.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an IMMH student so far?

Within the first weeks of the courses in Health and Social Sciences, Biological Psychiatry, and Mental Health and Ethics, I did not understand the concept that was taught at all. Every time that I got traumatized by the constructive criticisms at the end of the class, I could not help, but send out “a soul torture”. Did I develop PTSD? Hahaha, but fortunately, I took the initiative to communicate with the teachers and classmates in each class and have done and completed every assignment diligently.

Humans should seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Learning mental health has made me become so “painful” and pessimistic, but then again, why should we learn? I remembered a quote that says: "Even if life keeps us behind bars, we still have the freedom and happiness to look up to the stars."

What has been the biggest surprise in your first months of graduate school?

The IMMH provides mental health fundamentals, including the knowledge in biological psychiatry and mental health and ethics, but also in social economy and case and care management. These have helped me gain a clear insight into the various facets of the Mental Health field. The core courses in the first semester are fun, as well as useful. Professors are experienced, resourceful, and creative. I have really enjoyed the classes and the interactions with the professors and classmates.

What led you to pursue IMMH at this point in your career?

I would like to stretch my boundaries and dive into a more diversified career path. Two years of work experience have given me a clearer and more enlightening career plan. Now is the perfect time for me to start learning about Mental Health and take the journey to achieve this goal.

Share a story: “A child who has lived in the cage for a long time finally came to the long-awaited sea. He went to the sea with great joy to find the shells that he liked. While picking up the shells, he met a very good mentor, who has helped this lucky child harvest many shiny, precious pearls. The child would rush to the sea in wanting to continue to sharpen them and hoping to polish a gold thread and string that will turn the shiny pearls into a pearl necklace. This is considered feedback to life.” I wish that everyone who insists on learning can harvest their own pearl necklace!






关于的有趣事:在本周 IMMH 小休期间,我一个人去海滩旅行。唯一一次在高铁上和帅哥坐在一起,他没有问我联系方式,我也是。陌生人之间的默契。 

除了你的同学,IMMH 课程或活动的关键部分是什么让你选择这所研究生院,为什么它对你如此重要? 


什么品质最能描述您的 IMMH 同学,为什么? 


描述迄今为止作为 IMMH 学生的最大成就? 

在接触健康与社会科学、生物精神病学和心理健康与伦理学课程之初,我完全看不懂哪些晦涩难懂的知识。每次下课遭受到暴击创伤的我都忍不住发出灵魂拷问:我PTSD了吗? 在每个课程中都主动与老师同学沟通,认真完成每项任务 



IMMH 提供心理健康基础知识,例如生物精神病学和心理健康与伦理,以及社会经济、病例和护理管理——这帮助我清楚地了解心理健康的各个方面。 第一学期的核心课程既有趣又实用。 教授经验丰富,足智多谋,富有创造力。 我真的很喜欢这些课程以及与教授和同学的互动 

是什么让您在职业生涯的这个阶段追求 IMMH? 

我想扩展我的界限,进入更多元化的职业道路。 两年的工作经验让我有了更清晰、更有启发性的职业规划。 现在是我开始心理健康之旅的最佳时机。 




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