MHRC Abstract Submission

Welcome to the MHRC 2025 Call for Abstracts


SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Fri, January 31st, 2025; 11:59 PM GMT+7


You will be using this form to provide your contact information and your required submission details for review. Click below to create a new account and submit your abstract for MHRC 2025.  



Please remember that submitting an abstract does NOT automatically register you as a Congress delegate. MHRC 2025 registration opens NOW and authors of accepted abstracts must register by 31 January 2025. If the advised abstract presenter has not registered and we haven't been notified that there is a change to the presenting author, by 31 January 2025, the abstract will be considered to be withdrawn. 

 All communication regarding your abstract submission will be sent to the email address that you have provided during your submission.


Instruction for Abstract Submission



Please follow the instructions below if you plan to submit an abstract.


Enter the FULL TITLE of your submission. This will be used for printing in the final programme, on all Congress communication including the website.


Please submit a file (docx, pdf) of the abstract of your paper (max 400 words). 

If you wish to include references, they must be included in the body of your text and within the 400 word count.

Special symbols and formatting are to be used sparingly. 

Please make sure you have proof-read your submission before the submission deadline, as changes cannot be made after this date. 

Your abstract should include:

Objective: State the primary objective of the paper and the major hypothesis tested or research question posed.

Design: Describe the design of the study and the rationale for the procedures adopted. 

Method: Describe how participants were selected and the number of participants (if documentary data used, state how these were selected), materials employed (if appropriate), methods of data collection and analysis. 

Results: Include numerical and/or textual data. This should be kept to a minimum and should not include tables or figures. For qualitative analyses briefly describe your findings (e.g. identified themes, categories). 

Conclusions: State the conclusions that can be drawn from the study (including for future research, practice, policy and/or theory).

Please use these paragraph titles in your abstract where and when possible. Please do not use variations on these headings so that we can standardize the abstracts.

You must provide responses to the required questions (*) to submit an abstract. You may resubmit your abstract before the deadline. The Scientific Reviewer Committee will review the latest abstract submitted to the conference.  

Authors and Affiliations

You MUST enter the names of ALL authors here - including yourself if you are an author - in the order in which you wish them to appear in the printed text. Names omitted here will NOT be printed in the author index or the final program.


If your abstract is accepted it will be for an oral presentation. 

By submitting an abstract you affirm the following:

  • I agree that the results in this submission have not been published (except in abstract form) either on-line ahead of print or in printed version before Jan 31, 2025.
  • Results that have been presented at meetings of other societies are eligible, provided they have not been published (except in abstract from) either on-line ahead of print or in printed version before Jan 31, 2025.



Prizes and Certificates for the best oral presentations


This prize is awarded for the highest scoring oral presentations overall by the scientific committee of MHRC 2025

Winner : 2000 Bahts with Certificate

Runner-ups : 1000 Bahts with Certificate



Visitors: 35,897